''Five elements'' - Meeting 3 Project is alive again
After a really hard time and the impossibility of putting our activities into action, we finally meet again.
Face to face, eye to eye, body to body in nature where you can open your senses, bread again, feel and work with kinestetics. The key to connection is again in action! ''Five elements'' workshop
Intention: We as a Human nature and Communication with our self
Target group: 14 young people on age 13-18 years old
Approach: Non - formal Kinesthetic learning through movement and dance.
All Five elements joined together make one unit – Our Nature, undivided combination of mind, will, emotions used as source of expression -our body.
Earth –Stability and rhythm. It’s a symbol of life and basic of all human creation.
Water – Adaptation. Mirror reflecting our inner peace and the surrounding reality.
Fire – Energy of Transformation. It gives us strength to express ourselves, clearly mind and ability to see more through our eyes.
Air – Connection between five elements . Lightness, inspiration and freedom.
Ether – Space, universe. Place where all our inspirations, self-awareness, memories are kept . Our unique nature, who decides who we really are.
Finding these elements in you and get to know them will help to stay in balance and harmony with yourself, because body in an instrument of expression and channel of communication with our inner emotional world.
Any idea arises in the mind, every thought ends with movement.
The movement is connect with dance . The dance is what can not be owned in our life and because of this is so valuable.
Dance art helps to free expression of the human spirit - feelings, emotions, fears and joys.
Energy, impulse, intention, act, mood and inspirationare combined in the definition of creativity.
1). Back to your senses you can become a creator .
2). Every sense is connect with element from our nature
3). To learn how to listen your body and your senses, you can understand yourself better.
4). Information need to be heard, considered and digested by our body and mind
5). Five Elements – Five senses