'' Attempt to Fly'' First activities - 25.01.2020
This was our first activity with teenagers from Pernik in our European project "The Key to Connection", with the main theme of "listening and observing" using kinestethics as the main tool of the work. Our target group was 18 teenagers aged between 12 and 16. Our place of work - stage of CPLR - ODK Pernik. Our way of working - non-formal learning through kinesthetic methods.
After the partner meeting in November we start to organize our work and activities with young people. Our project ''The Key to Connection'', funded by the Erasmus+ program, it continues to search the ''
key'' and our partners are also doing amazing work across Europe in Latvia, Poland and Greece. You can find more on the website here https://laukku.lv/category/ktcpartners/ -