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"I have enough from people telling me that it is impossible, how I want to do it …",

Andrzej seighed, shortly before our departure to Poland. When finding the right part to attach the old and rusty trailor, which was not prepared yet, to the old and rusty car, which was not repaired yet, turned out to be not so easy.

And then he would tell about his father and why his collegues at the German construction sights started to call him Polish Houdini.

Five people and heavy load, little time and only one driver?

"Don´t worry, we will manage!", Yoni said as she would usually do.

And we managed, with a trailor full of circus equipment and an average speed of 90 km/h, but a car like a donkey and an equally stubborn driver. We managed all the way to Gdańsk and because the Serbian highway is anything but thrilling, also the small detour back. Via Austria we drove to Slovenia, where we, thanks to our first breakdown, spent a night under the grapes at the foot of a wineyard; and from there along the Croatian coast and through the mountainous landscape of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

4998 ½ km. Land surveying.

It always gives me peace to see how much wilderness there is still between us and our artificial boundaries. How we spend the rest of our holiday is not exactly commonplace. Spotting a beautiful lake in Bosnia:

"Hey, this looks nice! Okay, I think we can go there, put the tent and make a fire … "

It is exactly 100 years that the First World War started, with the Sarajevo assassination, now there is peace, not everywhere but here and now, between us.

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